Tuesday, March 17

its 8:20p

since the day's almost up and I'm not going to be up til` 2 like I usually do, so as I opt out of watching Rock of love, I decided to write up a quick blog.

SOOOO, today wasn`t really THAT interesting I guess. Woke up at 9 ish` caus I had to studyy like a mad ladyy for my midterm todayy! yeahh bad lil miss me who doesnt study til the day of her test. Well it was pretty ok, so I think I will pass. BECAUSE I HAVE FAITH! ah but whateverrr took an hour for me to finish 100 questions, double check and turn in.

But yeah came back AND to my surprise I DIDN'T ( DID NOT! ) eat. haha but I looked at math stuff. mhm. yeahh err 5:00 came around and I went to the gym for Jackies class. Pretty chill peice; didn't really have to think about it I just flowed I guess. But I stayed after a while to use the mirrors to practice Richie's piece. & there was this guy who looked REALLY familiar. & come to find out it was the guy who took classes with me last year. But yeah we got to talking about dancing and such and hes really chill like dude awesum! His name is Niko and hes a free lance breaker. haha pretty good. but yeah was talking for a couple of minutes and I had to go.

but mhm, that was my day. hope yours was well too
God Bless

like learning, its not over [:

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