Sunday, March 15

Hi Sunshine :D

todayyy was just fun in general. I have to say I have had a good weekend with some pretty amazing people :D

BUTTT before I start rambling in this blog I just wanted to say thank you to God for everything. Like I had seen 2 accidents today in places that I would have had to go, so I just wanted to thank God for keeping me safe and out of harm :]

yeahh so today, woke up hellla early at 5 ish to do my hair caus it was grossss! yeahh then i knocked back out, I didnt even go to church. ]: saddness but yeahh woke up & got scared caus i thought I was late but it was only 11 so i got ready && err`thang. hair did, face on, and clothes. I love my new blue flannel dress! moms came home & she was late! i was soo maddd at her for a bit, but she was sick so I was ok after that.

Packed the truck and drove to fullerton, it was like 1:30. I was scared I wasnt gonna make it eeep. I did the worst driving ever! swirving and speeding and ish` but i got to school safely thanxx you jesus! then I got stuck in a hole and had to pull out crazy driving moves and got unstuck. parked and met the team downstairs :D

yeahh photoshoot was cheeel! Err'one looking all cutseys & sexxies [:I was soo tired. lol &&& hungry! then, me krystal & russel went to get food. yummy mongolian bbq. kinda pricey buttt worth it- i guess.
came back, and chilled at the dorms for a bit.

then decided to leave and go home home. So like as I was driving, i ono I got to thinking, like about alot of stuff thats on my mind. Like, how my life has been up til now, and like just life in general. How I miss high school and how Im scared for my future and like where I will be in the future, you now ish' like that.
So yeah took the 57 to the 60 and stayed in the 3rd lane until I had to change to the 2nd lane to merge over to the 60. I love my city & the cities I have grew up in, I have met some of the best people there!

But yehh, came home and just chilled got my head stright, and I need a job seriously!!! Like but no one is hiring cuhh & I just don’t wanna do just any ol’ thing. Yeahh so just cheeled and wondering when my new phone is coming and crap. Yeahh got stuff and came back and here now writing thisss blog [:

Hehe. Night [:
Ps. Tell your mommies you love them, they just may need to here you say it. Just reassure them :]

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