Sunday, March 15

Dear Lease,

you frigg'n cunt, why are you such a pussy geezsee! SERIOUSLY! all day and nothing? I mean nothing! wtheckkk are you thinking sometimes. ok, ok I know there are sometimes you can be shy and all, but dude dannnng its beek weeks, and its gonna turn into months soon. Get some balls and getyour ish` done. If you don't you know how you are, gonna complain to every goddamn person about how you didnt do anything but you wish you would have. BLAHH BLAHH BLAHH YADDA YADDA! seriously do you have anything better to do? But yeahh it is your mission, at least talk and stuff do something, ANYTHING! but as of now anything is better than what your doing not caus right not you arent doing jack ish`. That was serious talk, get to it && workk it!

Nevertheless I love youuu,
Lease :D

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