I have soooo many emotions going through me right now Its not even funny. I never knew I could feel like this. Im not a very emotional percon and I dont really talk crap liek this, but I have had this ish` build up in me and I just ughhhh.
Bad dayyy, eh? I ono wtfuhhhh?!?
mk lemme build up to this I guess? yeah?!!
so todayy had math & health. Yayyy for B on midterm that I studied for day of!! whoot highlight of my day. Came back did madd homework caus I wait til the last minute to finish everythingg. But yeahh didnt go to dance today caus King of the Hill was on anddd I had to finish homework! FTW [: butt yeah went to practice a happy camper, kinda not so really? I donno what I was feeling. To be honest I like practice because 1. I like to dance and 2. Because I get to talk to Russel who is liek my only friend friend on the team. womp womp. Buttttt he couldnt talk todayy so it was text and type all night. haha But I could reas hsi lips so that was cool.
But yeah fast forward, people got casted for Richie's and Sean's piece. Yayy for Sean's piece I'm in it. haha But yeahhh no talk about whats in between, then I'll get hella heated like madd crazyy! grrr.
Just being chill and all, but ughhhhh! I ono why I was so mad after that seriously dude. But it was just chill learning the piece and stuff. Yeahh cool cool stuff. Left caus we was done learning. Me, and Russel dropped Krystal at the apts and we went to Jack In the Crack to talk about ish and err`thangg.
I ono Russel gets me, hes a chill friend. Hes basically the only friend I talk talk to on the team Oh well womp womp. Back to Highschool haha.
Bwahh but no, Im sorry for all the stupid crap I said today. Sometimes I dont think about what I say, Its like word vomit, and it just comes out. Im sorry Im not perfect.
WAIIT! Scratch that Im not sorry, because no one is perfect and like others I make mistakes, and later on I learn from them. Big Deal get over it!
buhhhh, Im going home tomorrow. So happy! So happy! ughhhh Fullerton sometimes man! I hate it, I love it. I live here now gotta deal... I guess! ughhh and like, yeahh balence was off.
bwahhh, Im hella pissed right now; lemme get over it I guess. Ima shower and err`thang so I should be ok by then.
Good Night && God Bless!
ps. I dont care if you guys think this blog post is lame or womp womp, caus if you do then STOP READNG LOSER! get a life get off my blog go find somethign else to do,caus you dont HAVE to be on here.
Thank You [:
prayyyy for me [:
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