Tuesday, March 17

Artist Spotlight #2: Blue Scholars

So I did an artist spotlight wayy back when, but yeah I'm bring it back! Just basically showing music I'm into, new school or old school doesnt mattah Music is music let it all be united. but yeahh I'm proli gonna do one of these 1 or 2 times a week, dunno, its gonna be a spontaneous move just whenever it feels right. But, here it goes.

BACKGROUND: Blue Scholars are from Seattle, Washington & was created in 2002. The members are Geologic and Sabzi. They have performed and gotten numerous awards for their songs.

Yeahh, so Blue Scholars. I found out about them a while back, I liked their style. Seriously like their songs are songs you can just put on and nod your head to. LISTEN! listen to their lyrics, they mean something. Not just random ish` just to put in the song. Their songs are so well put together, stuff about life, politics, people; stuff that are in common with the listener. My ABSOLUTEE favorite song would have to be Joe Metro, so awsome! Look out for them, their awesum [:

CHECK THEM OUT!!!! vvvvvvvvvvvv
Check Blue Scholars Here

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