So taking time out of my long days and harsh nights of studding. With paper cuts on my hands, and my blood shot eyes from not getting any sleep.. (did you sence the excessive dramatic lying? or was that just me? haha)
ANYYWAYYYS.....So, but seriously I have been studying, maybe not non-stop but a good amount where I can remember what I need to know. But, ughhh its the last week... that`s my motivation. DAMN STRIGHT! [:
But, this entry wasn't about finals & whatnot; in fact the purpose of this blog was the opposite: it was to NOT to talk about finals. blah blah blah!
So, last week was just like any other week; blah blah people and faces and dancing and new stuff. Whomp, but not really. But yeah, I'll just go to Thursdayy; dun dun dunnn! Frigg'n Thursday was a great way to start off finals week :]
Thursday started off with choreo at the rec center, and after choreo run, run runnn! mhm [: thnnx you Vanessa for bringing me a shirt caus mine smelled bad. ghaha But then I had Math class; after math went to the TSU so I could study, study, study. BUT that didn't last long. Russel called me and we hung out and talked until my next class started. Health class was next. Got out early & headed back to the dorms to nap nap.
Napped for frigg'n 2 hours!! yay [: woke up, ate, and showered. it was err 5:30 ish & had to get ready for banquet caus Cj-izzle was goinna pick me up and take to banquet. Picked me up, then ran errands. 1st went to this azn-esque shop. Cj submitted a piece. I was happy caus I got a new sticker for my laptop! Next off to get terayaki. Yumm so good. Had talks with CJ on the way to the UV's; CJ is hella cool. (Haha and I'm not just saying that caus you read this. lol) More and more talks in the future yeah? Came to banquet to set up DJ stuff. I really didnt help much, haha sorrry.
Then I had to leave to exchenge my lamme dance ticket. poop! Came back and people were there. But yeahh, banquet was hella tight. Good food, good people, me beeing sweeter than sugar, and yaddah. I feel sad saying goodbye to them for the summah.
Banquet ended. And more fun bagan at Reggies. haha But my jeesus I frigg'n LOVE PASA people ferr'eal! Hella chill peeps, met cool people's, did some cool things, haha. But you know what happened if you were there....
** Eileen I flipp'n luhhh you on the real! Ima miss your bootayy and you bettah come visit us [:
♥ pfttt! Back to facebook, oops I mean studdying ferr'real!