Monday, March 16

Happppy Dayy [:

morning= late-ness!
I woke up ish` late, didnt really care though. I'm doing good in religion, so I felt good.hehe
but yeahh went to religion, then political science, then lamme math, and gayness dance. ughhh!

yeahh so day was pretty chill ish` i guess you can say. yeah came back and did some junk. Practiced a bit for richies piece. I kinda sucked at it, when i reviewed it. blehh! yeahh, then i was a lil tired so i tried to go to sleep but I couldnt, so I just got up and facebooked & practiced a lil bit. yeah then King of the Hill. [:
yeahh it was about 6:30 ish` so I dressed and headed off for practice.

practice was chiill, I felt prety dead though. I'm not really getting the S.O.S piece. I guess I'm not feeling it. But I'm trying [: yeahh, so got done with practice, russel and me went to get food. yummy yoshinoya (eh, spell check?) stayed for about an hour, then back at home.

now study for midterm & do homework /=
this blog was lame! oh well i bet you read to the end [:

g'night & God Bless

*EDIT* Pray for my Mama, shes sick /=

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