> 5 months left. get me out of hereeee!
Friday, March 6
Thursday, March 5
Dayys in a couple of words ( 10000 words or less; I promise)
Sooooo baby today is Thursdayy. WHOSE THIRSTYYY? Ha lame much?
But seriously. I needa loose weighttt. Haha yeah yeah w/e yeahh today just Math & Health. BORINGGGG seriously getting hella bored with school. No lie. Buttt yeah finished math homework caus I felt productive & made Religion flashcards for Midterms on Mondayy. Eep /= yeahh so dorming it right now ate Chinese chicken salad [: yummm. I MISS JINZAA ]: sadness & talking to john about his time in fullerton. Haha Memories. Yeahh buhh ughh 5:30 was gym time ughhhh it was cool hip hop and breaking was pretty chill. Bwahh got be pumped for practice. Umm then PRACTICE. Ahh it really makes my week. Learned a new piece. FINALLY saw chris my myspacee frienddd haha. Chris’ piece to S.O.S pretty cool. Camera’s steal my dancing when their on, caus then I suck. Ahhh the girlies + Rullel are my favorites. Opening up more for shizz [: butt yeahh I’m picking up pretty fast. Jackie is soo cute [: thnxx for the talk though. Need 15+12 for pasa membership && ip shirt. Yeahh sore tired and beat. But here I am blogging haha

Yeahh they kinda won. Haha mush love to them and beatfreakks. Yeahh Ima go to a show one day ferr sure [:
But yeahh maybe not gonna blog for the next 3 dayys gotta study fool. But yeahh sad that JV wkshop moved to the 21st ohh well. So Seal Cru is coming back to styles [: ye ye. But yeahh sleepy gonna bed.
Dunno whats up for the weekend. I know for sure celebrate twins bdayy & maybe sidekick surprise? w/e
Goodnight baby cakes hunny bunch [:
But seriously. I needa loose weighttt. Haha yeah yeah w/e yeahh today just Math & Health. BORINGGGG seriously getting hella bored with school. No lie. Buttt yeah finished math homework caus I felt productive & made Religion flashcards for Midterms on Mondayy. Eep /= yeahh so dorming it right now ate Chinese chicken salad [: yummm. I MISS JINZAA ]: sadness & talking to john about his time in fullerton. Haha Memories. Yeahh buhh ughh 5:30 was gym time ughhhh it was cool hip hop and breaking was pretty chill. Bwahh got be pumped for practice. Umm then PRACTICE. Ahh it really makes my week. Learned a new piece. FINALLY saw chris my myspacee frienddd haha. Chris’ piece to S.O.S pretty cool. Camera’s steal my dancing when their on, caus then I suck. Ahhh the girlies + Rullel are my favorites. Opening up more for shizz [: butt yeahh I’m picking up pretty fast. Jackie is soo cute [: thnxx for the talk though. Need 15+12 for pasa membership && ip shirt. Yeahh sore tired and beat. But here I am blogging haha
Yeahh they kinda won. Haha mush love to them and beatfreakks. Yeahh Ima go to a show one day ferr sure [:
But yeahh maybe not gonna blog for the next 3 dayys gotta study fool. But yeahh sad that JV wkshop moved to the 21st ohh well. So Seal Cru is coming back to styles [: ye ye. But yeahh sleepy gonna bed.
Dunno whats up for the weekend. I know for sure celebrate twins bdayy & maybe sidekick surprise? w/e
Goodnight baby cakes hunny bunch [:
ja lee saah: ima go take a showahhh
ja lee saah: ill talk to you later
Tjword45: Ok =D STAY BLACK!
haha... how can I not ?
ja lee saah: ill talk to you later
Tjword45: Ok =D STAY BLACK!
Wednesday, March 4

ja lee saah: i hope i look really nice at the reunion
gdsmckb: I think your going to look nice like this lady in 9 more years
gdsmckb: http://www.artsjournal.com/dramaqueen/hop_madea_240x260_113020070109.jpg
ja lee saah: you will look like this
ja lee saah: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1075/1018250173_04d5d3a290_o.jpg
gdsmckb: did you know he recently got married
ja lee saah: yeahh
ja lee saah: he was on a lifetime special or something
gdsmckb: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gdsmckb: hahahaha
ja lee saah: pretty sad if you think about it
Because we talk about random crap like this
ja lee saah: i hope i look really nice at the reunion
gdsmckb: I think your going to look nice like this lady in 9 more years
gdsmckb: http://www.artsjournal.com/dramaqueen/hop_madea_240x260_113020070109.jpg
ja lee saah: you will look like this
ja lee saah: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1075/1018250173_04d5d3a290_o.jpg
gdsmckb: did you know he recently got married
ja lee saah: yeahh
ja lee saah: he was on a lifetime special or something
gdsmckb: LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gdsmckb: hahahaha
ja lee saah: pretty sad if you think about it
seriousllly, do it fast hurry. Do it before tomorroww. gahhhh
Totalll loserrr right here.
SERIOUSLLYYY!! aghhhhhh wtheckk im soo frigg'n
dumb. duhh end of story
SERIOUSLLYYY!! aghhhhhh wtheckk im soo frigg'n
dumb. duhh end of story
Tuesday, March 3
Music Ratings
Monday, March 2
I choose how I live my life, Thank You
I dont do things I dont wanna do, and I dont say things that are unnecessary. Im just me livi'n life day to day as if it were my last.
I felt inspirational for a bit had to get that all out. Sleepy tired and bwahh ill mark D for all the above haha. yeahh
but ughh lala im acting like a stupid girl. AGAIN. Im done i cant make a stupid move and just do simple crap aghhh. I have 4 dayys left.
mission imposible, is GOING to be mission completed ;]
its a trend.. from my observation
Is it me, or is everyone becoming bi sexual? Not that I mind or anything its just, I have noticed ALOTTT of people have out of no where become BI.
so um yeahh
so saturdayy nails did. flyy [: && jay and ryan. jay picked me up, went to kunta's casa then drive in movie. Debating over which movie to see was hella funny. They actually wanted to see He's just not that into you haha. gayyness jkjk I didnt I dont like that romantic crap. SO in the end we decided to so taken. Pretty good movie furr`real. BUTTT the ending i ono I hated it, it made me madd so many unanswered question. I think the ending is going to bother me foreverr. aghh oh well. So then went back to ryan's and talked hella long. haha its funny everyone from I poly I hang with like, hates I poly but when we hang out thats basically what we talk about, all the crap from I poly. haha we talked about I poly for like a good hour and a half ha then went on to talk about more stuff. Jay and ryan talking about their jobs, and I felt left out caus im just a bum who mooches off her parents /= bleahh but enough about that. It was like 2am already and I had church tmw so I told jay we had to go since he was taking me home. I gave kunta the biggest hug ever caus its proli gonns be a lonng time before I see him again. But we’re gonna have webcam days [: so that should be …. Interesting. But they said they were gonna visit soon, so ima hold them to it. So me and jay left and were just cruising at 2 in the morning, haha it was funny my parents didn’t even call to see where I was. WEIRRDD? But yeah talked to jay bout more stuff and crap that’s been on my mind. Haha JAY BALA IF YOUR READING THIS, YOU ARE ONE OF THE BEST PEOPLE TO TALK TO ! mhm true story. We talked all the way to my house, got out. Went inside, I was scared caus I thought I forgot my door key, but I didn’t. dad was up, watching ABDC haha he was chill then went to bed as soon as I came home. I knocked out pretty fast, I didn’t even wash my face caus I was so tired and got pimples the next day ]: Saturday was good.
woke up, only had about 3 hours of sleep caus I woke up at 6-ish. Soo tired but went to church anywayys PRAISE JESUS! Yeahh church was..church. sing, pray, listen and your done. Same story. I was sad didn’t even get to hang with mim’s ]; We all went to subway, and people be hella crazy for a footlong sandwich that’s 5 dollars. Geeze but yeahh went home home and knocked out. Went to costco with dad and twin 1 caus I needed hella groceries for school so I didn’t starve! Got yummy mangos, cereal, and other crap to eat. Left went to Albertsons and got more food then went home. Played with my daughter I love her so much shes so cute yeahh washed my hair, and gave it the works. Lagged around and crap and I looked at the clock and it was 12. I was like, screw going to fullerton tonight ill go back tmw.
Woke up, besttest sleep when your in your own bed mhm got up, put clothes on kissed chyanne goodbye said bye to err`one got my crap put it in the car dropped the twins off at school went to 2nd home. It was about –ish had to put everything away before my class at 9. Went to all my classes, I was only late for my first 1 like 6 minutes or so? Yeahh went to math hoping to find out I passed my test AND I GOT A FRIGGN 53 /100? Wtheckk epic fail on the real. I cannot fail!! Agghh better luck next time kiid ]; yeah watched a movie in dance came to 2nd home ate and now im here. I think ima wash my v necks caus their diiirty. And go the gym and take a nap. Fractice at 7 then I ono what? Yougurtland?? Yeahh lets go.
so saturdayy nails did. flyy [: && jay and ryan. jay picked me up, went to kunta's casa then drive in movie. Debating over which movie to see was hella funny. They actually wanted to see He's just not that into you haha. gayyness jkjk I didnt I dont like that romantic crap. SO in the end we decided to so taken. Pretty good movie furr`real. BUTTT the ending i ono I hated it, it made me madd so many unanswered question. I think the ending is going to bother me foreverr. aghh oh well. So then went back to ryan's and talked hella long. haha its funny everyone from I poly I hang with like, hates I poly but when we hang out thats basically what we talk about, all the crap from I poly. haha we talked about I poly for like a good hour and a half ha then went on to talk about more stuff. Jay and ryan talking about their jobs, and I felt left out caus im just a bum who mooches off her parents /= bleahh but enough about that. It was like 2am already and I had church tmw so I told jay we had to go since he was taking me home. I gave kunta the biggest hug ever caus its proli gonns be a lonng time before I see him again. But we’re gonna have webcam days [: so that should be …. Interesting. But they said they were gonna visit soon, so ima hold them to it. So me and jay left and were just cruising at 2 in the morning, haha it was funny my parents didn’t even call to see where I was. WEIRRDD? But yeah talked to jay bout more stuff and crap that’s been on my mind. Haha JAY BALA IF YOUR READING THIS, YOU ARE ONE OF THE BEST PEOPLE TO TALK TO ! mhm true story. We talked all the way to my house, got out. Went inside, I was scared caus I thought I forgot my door key, but I didn’t. dad was up, watching ABDC haha he was chill then went to bed as soon as I came home. I knocked out pretty fast, I didn’t even wash my face caus I was so tired and got pimples the next day ]: Saturday was good.
woke up, only had about 3 hours of sleep caus I woke up at 6-ish. Soo tired but went to church anywayys PRAISE JESUS! Yeahh church was..church. sing, pray, listen and your done. Same story. I was sad didn’t even get to hang with mim’s ]; We all went to subway, and people be hella crazy for a footlong sandwich that’s 5 dollars. Geeze but yeahh went home home and knocked out. Went to costco with dad and twin 1 caus I needed hella groceries for school so I didn’t starve! Got yummy mangos, cereal, and other crap to eat. Left went to Albertsons and got more food then went home. Played with my daughter I love her so much shes so cute yeahh washed my hair, and gave it the works. Lagged around and crap and I looked at the clock and it was 12. I was like, screw going to fullerton tonight ill go back tmw.
Woke up, besttest sleep when your in your own bed mhm got up, put clothes on kissed chyanne goodbye said bye to err`one got my crap put it in the car dropped the twins off at school went to 2nd home. It was about –ish had to put everything away before my class at 9. Went to all my classes, I was only late for my first 1 like 6 minutes or so? Yeahh went to math hoping to find out I passed my test AND I GOT A FRIGGN 53 /100? Wtheckk epic fail on the real. I cannot fail!! Agghh better luck next time kiid ]; yeah watched a movie in dance came to 2nd home ate and now im here. I think ima wash my v necks caus their diiirty. And go the gym and take a nap. Fractice at 7 then I ono what? Yougurtland?? Yeahh lets go.
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