so walking to class, hustlin' caus i was late to math I ran into jenny( i think thats her name) we had a little chat. i really miss going to dorm revival, it really made my week. She was just talkign about whats going on, and what they talked about yesterday; and the topic for yesterday was relationships, so it inspired me to make a blog about relationships.
So here it goes....
so, I have had my share of relationships back in the day. I have to say after senior year and my fling type thing, I re-evaluated myself about relationships and the types I want to be in.
I guess Ima talk about relationshipr w/ a significant other
haha I dont know how to start writing about this.
ummm so lets see.
( haha 10 minutes pass as i think about how to start this blog. haha how about this.)
So I know me and my friends have had this conversation about why we are all single. and we all came to the conclusion that we are single because 1. we have other things on our mind that keeps us from finding a relationship 2. because we have no game haha && 3. because we aren't just gonna put ourselves in just any relatonship just to say we are in one.
Still in the back of my mind I always wonder why in relationships I have been in, they havent lasted long or they end up being confusing and secret and such. But then again I make things confusing for myself caus I would like to have someone but Im scared of being the reality that I could be with theat person forever. Like if Im in a relationship I wont cheat caus I dont believe in that at all, but what would be in my mind is that is the person that I could potentially end up being with forever. yahh know?
But seriosuly my last thingish bleahh was in highschool. Im in college and a relationship wasnt the 1st thing I was looking for when I came into college. But you know now thinking about it, it wouldnt be so bad. Having someone there to comfort you when your down && just having someone who enjoys your company. It would be nice but there is a time for all things, and maybe right now just isnt my time.
right now i just think people are really cute. Theres one in particular but we wont go into detail about that [: lol but yeahh no game whatso ever & we dont talk which sux. oh well. whomp whomp. But yeah the time for me will come and while I wait I have te best friendboyys in the world ! They will be my bf's until future notice lol.
I dont care if he`s the hottest, or the most popular or the best dancer, just as long as he cares for me. He doewnt have to be the richest, the best speaker, or even the brightest in the world; just as long as hes true to himself and just lives how he wants to. All I know is that God will bless me with a nice boy when the time is right and until then I will just sit back and enjoy the view or all the hot dancing boys [:
but yeah thats how i feel. haha get at me!
Friday, March 13
ahh poo. just today
soo todayy was ughhh. stayed up til` 2 after practice to finish hw and then knocked out. Half awake at 8 to knock out alarm and then fell back aslleep. 1. caus roommate was in the bathroom doing her thing && i couldnt even get in there and i didnt wanna bother talking to her so i could use the bathroom and 2. i was wayy tired & its friday so yeahh.
So I skipped 2 classes today, shouldnt be too badd /= yeahh but i went to math and dance. ughh ballet. awhh karlet the balerina [: but yeahh had to do my fitness testing andd then came back to 2nd home. did laundry and ate salad. Got laundry done cleaned room, washed dishes and everything. getting ready to go homme ye yeee. weekend should be fun [: Saturday shopping for flannel with jackie nd anna? then boba and cue maybee with sisterr? hopefully and i ono whats up next.
&& sundayy church? and photoshoot and food afterr [:
yeahh update laterrrr [:
So I skipped 2 classes today, shouldnt be too badd /= yeahh but i went to math and dance. ughh ballet. awhh karlet the balerina [: but yeahh had to do my fitness testing andd then came back to 2nd home. did laundry and ate salad. Got laundry done cleaned room, washed dishes and everything. getting ready to go homme ye yeee. weekend should be fun [: Saturday shopping for flannel with jackie nd anna? then boba and cue maybee with sisterr? hopefully and i ono whats up next.
&& sundayy church? and photoshoot and food afterr [:
yeahh update laterrrr [:
gvjhdfvbusdsdv LAMMMMEEE!
something && looking back it seems stupid
that you wrote it. yeahhhh
thats where i am.
gayyynessss! FML!
Thursday, March 12
Carpe Diem
title says all: seize the day.
make the best out of everyday you have on this earth, because you never know when it would be your last. -JALISA S WATSON. (lol)
yeahh so I told you about the 1st half of my day now heres the rest. So came back from health && ate yummy honey bunches of oats, (ghaha i forgot how to spell honey, at first i spelled it huney, ghaha) yeahh then tried to attempt to do math homework. still have somme ]; boo for late night math hw. BLAHHHH yeahh went to the gym to take a first time cardio cycling class. stuff was hella legit. got me sweating, breathing hard haha and i wasnt even doing the dirtyy. haha but i think i almost passed out like 5 times haha but it was all good. Came back and changed for practice. haha I think I im LOVVE with my grey sweat shorts. haha I think i just like saying the word sweat shorts. haha [:
got a ride with kc and rj to practice & if was friggn 6:58 we ran to the gym, haha we barely made it.haha Kacey makes yummmy span sushi p: SERIOUSLYYY HELLA TURED TODAY AT PRACTICE. SLEEPY AS HECKK! yeahh, cleaned up old pieces went over GRV piece I think I got it down, ahh hopefully! mhm ermm left went with anna to pay her money, took anna to her car. haha thnxx you russel for always dropping me off! mhm now im here getting ready to eat and do hw ;]
ps. thnxx you cj for the rap haha it was awesummm and sorry i cant drop a beat ghaha!
yeahh, im tired im happy right now. tmws friday, weekend xommign up hopefully get to see my sister! YEAHH
God Bless
make the best out of everyday you have on this earth, because you never know when it would be your last. -JALISA S WATSON. (lol)
yeahh so I told you about the 1st half of my day now heres the rest. So came back from health && ate yummy honey bunches of oats, (ghaha i forgot how to spell honey, at first i spelled it huney, ghaha) yeahh then tried to attempt to do math homework. still have somme ]; boo for late night math hw. BLAHHHH yeahh went to the gym to take a first time cardio cycling class. stuff was hella legit. got me sweating, breathing hard haha and i wasnt even doing the dirtyy. haha but i think i almost passed out like 5 times haha but it was all good. Came back and changed for practice. haha I think I im LOVVE with my grey sweat shorts. haha I think i just like saying the word sweat shorts. haha [:
got a ride with kc and rj to practice & if was friggn 6:58 we ran to the gym, haha we barely made it.haha Kacey makes yummmy span sushi p: SERIOUSLYYY HELLA TURED TODAY AT PRACTICE. SLEEPY AS HECKK! yeahh, cleaned up old pieces went over GRV piece I think I got it down, ahh hopefully! mhm ermm left went with anna to pay her money, took anna to her car. haha thnxx you russel for always dropping me off! mhm now im here getting ready to eat and do hw ;]
ps. thnxx you cj for the rap haha it was awesummm and sorry i cant drop a beat ghaha!
yeahh, im tired im happy right now. tmws friday, weekend xommign up hopefully get to see my sister! YEAHH
God Bless
**Major Edit
so yesterdayys blog was pretty intense and yeahh, today is a new day and I'm all calmed down and I feel SOOOOO much better today [:
so yesterday, I was just thinking to myself I needa get outta Fullerton right now. I had a uuber amount of homework, and I just left. Went back to my roots, went back home. It was goot to see the fam and just chill and be around people who know me so well. && it was just good to be around people that I can actually stand. yah know?
Yeahh did homework, went to the store. yay home cooked meal :] mims came over too. Was soo happy to see her, yeahh played with chyanne & even drilled GRV choreo. haha I seriously practiced that hard ish` for like 3 hours and most of the video views are from me just incase you wonder why there are so many views. lol mhm
went to bed at 2:10. haha alarm kept goin goff and me and mims just laughing like hella crazy. haha
yeahh, woke up at 7; which is WAYYYA to early for me. i felt crazy and looked even crazier. srsly i loked goober gross. yeahh got dressed and dropped the twins off, then dropped myself off. haha came back set clock, to what I THOUGHT was 9:45AM!! and knocked out. I woke up and it was 10:50AM and I had class at 11. I was like tfreakk checked alarm to see if it was working only to find I set my clock to 9:45PM go figure. haha. no shower ]: hair did, face on, and clothes && hauled ass to class. its math and i NEEEEED to pass which means not skipping class ANDD being on time. yeahh math ahh soo boringg. talked to PTRAN on the way back home came home ate yumy cereal and facebooked a lil bit while watching an extremely goofy movie :] yeahh got ready for health class went downstairs to print stuff then on to class. Pretty interesting stuff actually awake.
Came back home, yummy tampico [[[: love that stuff. Yeahh maybe gym? I ono practice at 7 today. I have pimple face its grosss ughhhh
haha oh well byee [:
so yesterday, I was just thinking to myself I needa get outta Fullerton right now. I had a uuber amount of homework, and I just left. Went back to my roots, went back home. It was goot to see the fam and just chill and be around people who know me so well. && it was just good to be around people that I can actually stand. yah know?
Yeahh did homework, went to the store. yay home cooked meal :] mims came over too. Was soo happy to see her, yeahh played with chyanne & even drilled GRV choreo. haha I seriously practiced that hard ish` for like 3 hours and most of the video views are from me just incase you wonder why there are so many views. lol mhm
went to bed at 2:10. haha alarm kept goin goff and me and mims just laughing like hella crazy. haha
yeahh, woke up at 7; which is WAYYYA to early for me. i felt crazy and looked even crazier. srsly i loked goober gross. yeahh got dressed and dropped the twins off, then dropped myself off. haha came back set clock, to what I THOUGHT was 9:45AM!! and knocked out. I woke up and it was 10:50AM and I had class at 11. I was like tfreakk checked alarm to see if it was working only to find I set my clock to 9:45PM go figure. haha. no shower ]: hair did, face on, and clothes && hauled ass to class. its math and i NEEEEED to pass which means not skipping class ANDD being on time. yeahh math ahh soo boringg. talked to PTRAN on the way back home came home ate yumy cereal and facebooked a lil bit while watching an extremely goofy movie :] yeahh got ready for health class went downstairs to print stuff then on to class. Pretty interesting stuff actually awake.
Came back home, yummy tampico [[[: love that stuff. Yeahh maybe gym? I ono practice at 7 today. I have pimple face its grosss ughhhh
haha oh well byee [:
Wednesday, March 11
Come with a n open heart and a cautious mind
couldn't sleep last night, finally knocked out around 3:45-ish. Woke up, friggn had nothing to wear. so i finally found sweat shorts, nike shirt, and purple hoodie with chucks. (I looked like a crack whore. which isnt a good thing) Late for religion, but luckily I got a B+ on midterm. PoliSci was sooo lammme. usually its interesting but everyone was being so gddamn loud and ish' it just got annoying after a while. Go to math 115. My math class has some of the ghetto-est people in the world. fn dumbasses. Talking on phones, so effn loud. go to the bathroom to pee and dumbass girls standing in the way trying to look at themselves caus they think their so hot but they look like complete shit. SHIT I TELL YOU! Finish in the bathroom, go back to math. easy ish.
Done with math, get ready to go to dance. I swear some people in fullerton, how the heckk did they get into college. Just standing around and crap. Get out the eff'n way dude. Dance learning ballet and going over other dance stuff. WHATEVVERRRR! yeahh.
come to 2nd home ughhh. stressed outt seriously. and on top of that theres no one around to talk when you need them. everyone is always busy when you wanna hang.
Sometimes I kinda regret moving to fullerton. Like its chill & all no doubt. But seriously I know Hacienda Heights isnt that far but still. In the back of my mind I always wonder should I have gone to Cal Poly? Maybe I would have been happier. I know a good amount of people who go there, where here I hardly know no one and havent really met close close friends yet. && Im not kissing ass to fit in. But I miss like West Co, Pomona, Azusa and all thats where my life is, I grew up in all those places and here I am now and STILL havent adjusted to it. eff that.
& you would think that me dancing quite often now, would make me happy, caus dance is a stress reliever but yeahhh I love dancing NO DOUBT. SERIOUSLY LOVE IT! but like when your open and willing to get to know others and crap and other crap from outside interferes it kinda sux. But WHATEVERR. writing this blog got me happier and over this crapp.
not gonna be to sad my sidekick is comming soon [:

I can say that my bestfriend has been there through all my ups and downs, and will never leave me. GOD thank you for everythignyou have done for me and ALWAYS never leaving me alone. [:
couldn't sleep last night, finally knocked out around 3:45-ish. Woke up, friggn had nothing to wear. so i finally found sweat shorts, nike shirt, and purple hoodie with chucks. (I looked like a crack whore. which isnt a good thing) Late for religion, but luckily I got a B+ on midterm. PoliSci was sooo lammme. usually its interesting but everyone was being so gddamn loud and ish' it just got annoying after a while. Go to math 115. My math class has some of the ghetto-est people in the world. fn dumbasses. Talking on phones, so effn loud. go to the bathroom to pee and dumbass girls standing in the way trying to look at themselves caus they think their so hot but they look like complete shit. SHIT I TELL YOU! Finish in the bathroom, go back to math. easy ish.
Done with math, get ready to go to dance. I swear some people in fullerton, how the heckk did they get into college. Just standing around and crap. Get out the eff'n way dude. Dance learning ballet and going over other dance stuff. WHATEVVERRRR! yeahh.
come to 2nd home ughhh. stressed outt seriously. and on top of that theres no one around to talk when you need them. everyone is always busy when you wanna hang.
Sometimes I kinda regret moving to fullerton. Like its chill & all no doubt. But seriously I know Hacienda Heights isnt that far but still. In the back of my mind I always wonder should I have gone to Cal Poly? Maybe I would have been happier. I know a good amount of people who go there, where here I hardly know no one and havent really met close close friends yet. && Im not kissing ass to fit in. But I miss like West Co, Pomona, Azusa and all thats where my life is, I grew up in all those places and here I am now and STILL havent adjusted to it. eff that.
& you would think that me dancing quite often now, would make me happy, caus dance is a stress reliever but yeahhh I love dancing NO DOUBT. SERIOUSLY LOVE IT! but like when your open and willing to get to know others and crap and other crap from outside interferes it kinda sux. But WHATEVERR. writing this blog got me happier and over this crapp.
not gonna be to sad my sidekick is comming soon [:
I can say that my bestfriend has been there through all my ups and downs, and will never leave me. GOD thank you for everythignyou have done for me and ALWAYS never leaving me alone. [:
Tuesday, March 10
New Message From Kraig
Kraiggg-a-licious: I really like reading your blog!
Me:ahh thnx :D
TBH that was good to hear, i ono why it made me smile. haha its funny to hear when peole read my blog. I ono, Im not the most important person in the world, so to hear people take time out of their day to read my blog is pretty cool.
yeahh so todayy woke up was feeling hella, really hella lazy! So ate, cleaned up and had to finish my stupidd health paper. 2 pages. double spaced. now so bad, but all this work is stressing me out. If it were not for these bangs you could see how much stress I have, according to my face. yeahh so had class at 1 so long. Saw hella random people todayy, it was cool though didnt really get to stop and say hi though ]:
yeahh went back to 2nd home and ate yummy chicken salad. and watch mauryy (my favorite) sleppt caus i was tired as heckk. woke up roundd 5:00 and got ready for jackies class. Jackies class was cool money. She taught a piece to som missy eliott song. It was cool seeing alot of the old people from 1st semester come back.
came back, ate AGAIN!! lol && facebook time & Dr. Phil. Talked to the parents caus I missed them. ermm, talked to kraig. haha its been a while since i have seen/talked to him. It was cool catching up and everything. I have always considered him as a friend, but like one of those friends who you dont talk to alot but when you do end up talking to them its a really great convo. lol GOOD LUCK TONIGHT TEAM ICE WATER ;D
yeahh, now i have to shower, maybe start some math homework && Bad girls club tonighttt! i lovve that show [; && if its not to late try to friggg'n remember GRV choreo. that ish' is fxn DAMNN no words.
mhm well, its been a good day and its gonna end in a good dayy.
Me:ahh thnx :D
TBH that was good to hear, i ono why it made me smile. haha its funny to hear when peole read my blog. I ono, Im not the most important person in the world, so to hear people take time out of their day to read my blog is pretty cool.
yeahh so todayy woke up was feeling hella, really hella lazy! So ate, cleaned up and had to finish my stupidd health paper. 2 pages. double spaced. now so bad, but all this work is stressing me out. If it were not for these bangs you could see how much stress I have, according to my face. yeahh so had class at 1 so long. Saw hella random people todayy, it was cool though didnt really get to stop and say hi though ]:
yeahh went back to 2nd home and ate yummy chicken salad. and watch mauryy (my favorite) sleppt caus i was tired as heckk. woke up roundd 5:00 and got ready for jackies class. Jackies class was cool money. She taught a piece to som missy eliott song. It was cool seeing alot of the old people from 1st semester come back.
came back, ate AGAIN!! lol && facebook time & Dr. Phil. Talked to the parents caus I missed them. ermm, talked to kraig. haha its been a while since i have seen/talked to him. It was cool catching up and everything. I have always considered him as a friend, but like one of those friends who you dont talk to alot but when you do end up talking to them its a really great convo. lol GOOD LUCK TONIGHT TEAM ICE WATER ;D
yeahh, now i have to shower, maybe start some math homework && Bad girls club tonighttt! i lovve that show [; && if its not to late try to friggg'n remember GRV choreo. that ish' is fxn DAMNN no words.
mhm well, its been a good day and its gonna end in a good dayy.
so blog not gonna be this long tonigght hella sleepy, Only doing this caus I know HYLA reads all my blogs hehe jk [:
but yeahh here it goes...
religion, yay
poli sci, boo
math, meh
dance, double meh
THE HAT && tampico [;
put clothes in washer, nap, put clothes in dryer
eat more caus im a fattie
get clothes from dryer & fold
KING OF THE HILL for 1 hour
good talks with vanessa
dress for practice & walk to gymm
jack in the box with russel & hella laughs and hela talkss haha
calling mom who is hella worried if i made it home
called mims to wish her a goodnight [;
dormmm room watching MTV
yayyy i loved my mondayy[:
but yeahh here it goes...
religion, yay
poli sci, boo
math, meh
dance, double meh
THE HAT && tampico [;
put clothes in washer, nap, put clothes in dryer
eat more caus im a fattie
get clothes from dryer & fold
KING OF THE HILL for 1 hour
good talks with vanessa
dress for practice & walk to gymm
jack in the box with russel & hella laughs and hela talkss haha
calling mom who is hella worried if i made it home
called mims to wish her a goodnight [;
dormmm room watching MTV
yayyy i loved my mondayy[:
Sunday, March 8
ahh hey. You kinda read my mind
well yes another blog is here today to grace your day or night, depending on which country your reading from. haha
but yeahh, mad weekend-ish. Like didnt even go out with friends, fam and sisters was chill as heckk. Just like I havent seen them in weeks and I always go out so I stayed and chilled with them. I love them what can I say; I have a soft spot for my fam but who doesnt? But friday kinda eff-ish caus of stupid crap that happened but I got over it and lived my friday. Yeahh yadda and stuff. Guitar hero and yummy costco pizzzzza! Saturdayy needed to shop for 2nd home. Umm went to get new sweat shorts && huggge shirts. Then off to costco to get gas and yummy pizzza. To be honest I think I could eat a wholee costco pizza by myselff [: Im fattie, I know. But yeahh went to beauty supply to get face stuff caus my face is kinda gross. yeahh then to Pomona to get accessories and yeahh. Im broke noww ]: spent moneyy crazyy. boo oh well theres nevt week money makingg!
But yeah its sunday and I have 2 lamee midterms tmw. I didnt even go to church today caus I had to studyy like a crazy person. I have to Just put everything in Gods hands caus he won't let anything bad happen to me or my grades. If I believe good things will come. YEAH so Im at second home right now and writing a blog when Im supposed to do studyy stuff. Im getting of now but Ill let you know how midterm goes [:
but yeahh, mad weekend-ish. Like didnt even go out with friends, fam and sisters was chill as heckk. Just like I havent seen them in weeks and I always go out so I stayed and chilled with them. I love them what can I say; I have a soft spot for my fam but who doesnt? But friday kinda eff-ish caus of stupid crap that happened but I got over it and lived my friday. Yeahh yadda and stuff. Guitar hero and yummy costco pizzzzza! Saturdayy needed to shop for 2nd home. Umm went to get new sweat shorts && huggge shirts. Then off to costco to get gas and yummy pizzza. To be honest I think I could eat a wholee costco pizza by myselff [: Im fattie, I know. But yeahh went to beauty supply to get face stuff caus my face is kinda gross. yeahh then to Pomona to get accessories and yeahh. Im broke noww ]: spent moneyy crazyy. boo oh well theres nevt week money makingg!
But yeah its sunday and I have 2 lamee midterms tmw. I didnt even go to church today caus I had to studyy like a crazy person. I have to Just put everything in Gods hands caus he won't let anything bad happen to me or my grades. If I believe good things will come. YEAH so Im at second home right now and writing a blog when Im supposed to do studyy stuff. Im getting of now but Ill let you know how midterm goes [:
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