Thursday, June 4


- got to hang out with kunta ryannn && brought lightscribe CD's

- nail's diiid!

- jam session

- poetry slamm with CJ & Trina

^^buyyy me stikka`s mannng!

A message from a lil' bugg

So the other day I was cleaning up the kitchen, you know dishes, spraying, yaddah yaddah. There was some leftover food from din din and I just decided to give it to my doggie since she lovves leftover food. So with a loving heart, I walk out side ( mind you I have N0 shoes or anything on my feet) and looks for her bowl to put the food in. HERE`S WHERE THE DRAMATICS COME IN..... The next step I took, little did I know it would make me rethink life in a bit. I lunged my foot out to take another step, and when my foot hit the ground I felt something burst, and liquid jizzedd all over my foot. frigg`n A to the maxx!

Dare I look down? I did, just to find that I stepped on a G-D dammn cockroach!! ughhh so gross! At first I was hella pissed and freaked that I had bug jizz on my toe`s, but then I felt remorse that the bug had to go that way.

Butt anywayyys the moral of this story, was that I learned was to life to the fullest, because you never know when the big foot from the sky is gonna come a step on you, and take away your life.

.....and it took a lil bug to teach me this (:

Monday, June 1

One More Mikey haha

^^CJ, our choreo needs to top this :) haha

Who dat` be misterr?

I learned THIS today ( 3

Let me know
Do I still got time to grow?
Things ain't always set in stone
That being known let me know
Let me

Seems like street lights glowing
Happen to be just like moments passing in front of me
So I hopped in the cab and
I paid my fares
See I know my destination
But I'm just not there

All the streetlights glowing
Happen to be
Just like moments passing
In front of me
So I hopped in the cab and
I paid my fare
See I know my destination
But I'm just not there

In the streets... In the streets
I'm just not there
In the streets
I'm just not there
Life's just not fair

This. Then, && There


**ok the object of this game, is use the picture to guess where I want to travel to next...and it's not Toronto :)

pt. 2 ?

hello there BZ-ies :)
geeze it's been hella long since I have written a post. weiiird!Lemme catch you up...

08-09 ended . UCR . && fun, fun, fun

mhm, I'm soo happy I am a freshman 08-09 graduate ready to start the 09-10 year. whoot next year I get to take Bio. So PWNage. but yeahh, I finished strong, But I passes all my classes except 1 ): but I'ma ferr`sure retake it. Fullerton peeps, lets take class together ?!?

I spent a week at Riverside, to hang with frensies. I stayed with my friendster Ciku Gachiri. It was fun, she showed me a good time... I got fat. REALLY! Actual list of food: Cookies, Brownies, Ice Cream, Mongolian BBQ, Weinersnitzel, Carls Jr, Berry Swirl, pasta, Fries, Onion Rings, 7-11 stuff, chicken fingers x's 2, Alcohol, chips, blahhh I'm soo frigg`n fat G. DONT JUDGE ME! haha whatever whats done is done, and now I have to do some damage. But seriously Rvrside, was hella fun got to see old friends, met some new friends; and it just made me realize I LOVE Fullerton because there are not as many hobo's in Fullerton like there is in Riverside. BUTTTTT Riverside has frigg`n hott boyys, like jizz in my pants status. haha

So far the summer list is as followed: (not in any particular order) IPOLY Reunion??!?! Rad is Rad BBQ thing. Hangout with Dung. Hangout with CJ. that still on? SI :) Mariel wkshop on Tuesday. Summer classes. Find a damn job. &&& anything else that comes up.

bwahh I love life. thnnx you Jesus ♥

Long Overdue 0__o

Dannnng I HAVEN`T written a frigg`n blog in a while

in case you haven`t noticed (=