Thursday, April 2

Blog on it

"We could be more productive if we tried...
... We could all be happier if we tried
Everyone could probaly be more effective if they tried...
...I'd actually care more if everyone else gave a shit"


I'm not mad or upset I'm just really bothered. Im blessed to be on a dance team and such but seriously, SERIOUSLY its getting to be annoying. I know I am giving my time to do it so I can stop ANYTIME I want. I WANT to be on this team, but it seems like I'm putting in so much of my time and I'm getting completely nothing out of it but to perform for people. THATS ALL. but ughh..

Were supposed to be at practice at @ 10 and people stumble in at friggn 12 and 1. wtfuhhh Im not even frigg'n filipino and Im even here on time. wtfuhh is up with that. Oh wow you think your so good and so superior in dance you dont need to show up on time. If your just sooo good, get the hell of this dance team and go onto something else since your so big, and bad. I understand there are other comnmitments and things but I had other things to do and I switched them around so I can be here; YOU could have done the same as well, I want our show to look good if you dont then screw you!

But I dunno, effn stuff like that really bothers me, yeahhh. i dunno. I had to blog on it. but whatever, the year is almost over, and on to other dance stuff. Hopefully dance stuff that doesnt carry as much crap around as this one. ughhh, ill get over it.

1 comment:

cjb said...

i feel u on that, lets start our choreo, lets just go to the gym and work on some choreo, theres a song just came out called walking on the moon by the dream and kanye that i like alot, i bet we could come up with some sweet stuff, itd be so fun lets do it!