Sunday, March 29

My brain thinks, and makes my fingers do the typing.

So I sit here thinking…..

Where am I going to be next year? Will I still be with bio chem, or will I switch over to graphic design; and be a committed individual to that line of focus?

What about dance, am I going to move forward and get better; or will I still be as mediocre as I have been for the past couple of months?

Am I ever going to be comfortable, when my comfort zone is getting to be so uncomfortable?

Many things to think about and it seems that time is running out, even though time, it’s leisurely.


Anonymous said...

i like that intro

jackie khai said...

-go wherever your heart leads you right now
-you WILL get better as long as you keep dancing :) and i have faith that you will
-college is all about making adjustments all the time, so you WILL get comfortable with that