Monday, April 13

3 days grace [: *vid works now

Fridayy:ohh gawdd! I will remember this day for a long time, into adult hood. haha but yeah started off with class at 9, felt realy rested and such then yaddah. ended school at 1. Got picked up got dressed at home. yayy for looking hella tight in 80's clothes haha. People be staring, but they know they wanted to jock my bright ass leggings. lol. buhh yeah late start got to La Mirada at around ermmmmm 330ish`?! mhm got makeup done and just walked around in all the crazyness before the show. taking pictures, amd running around doing stuff before the show [:

But yeahh FASTFORWARDDDDD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Like 20 minutes before IP was supposed to go on we all gathered just to talk and stuff. But yeahh stuff was said & yaddahhh but Jackie said that PCN's performance was gonna be the last time she was gonna be performing with IP. It was bittersweet at the time, I was soo excited to have my 1st performance with IP, yet one of the people I really got close to on the team was leaving. Gloomy. But nevertheless I'm going to try and keep in touch with Jackie, because she was put in my life for a reason & she has helped me alot and I am the upmost grateful.
you better keep in touch =)
mk byee jackiee, haha you tooo!
i lavv you fool
i love you too leease!

Butt heres the performance if you mised it... dont watch me ahhh haha

butt yeahh PCN was the ish` met many people, and have so many memories. IP I LOVE you all and I am so grateful I got to dance with such a fine group of sexxies [:

Saturday: haha slept til' night. The only exciting thing that happened was me buying hello panda cookies!

Sunday: Easter. Time with the fam bam is ALWAYS a good way to start your week. Church and candy. whooot!

ahh mk. family guyyy! The good thing about no practice today is I get to watch king of the hill! yayyy I missed Hank & his narrow urethra! haha

1 comment:

jackie khai said...

aww lease! your blog made me all warm inside :). i'm happy and grateful that you were put in my life too girl. cause you know, neither of us would've found many close girlfriends since we're so anti. hahah. plus, IP needed more genuine people like you<3.

love you!