couldn't sleep last night, finally knocked out around 3:45-ish. Woke up, friggn had nothing to wear. so i finally found sweat shorts, nike shirt, and purple hoodie with chucks. (I looked like a crack whore. which isnt a good thing) Late for religion, but luckily I got a B+ on midterm. PoliSci was sooo lammme. usually its interesting but everyone was being so gddamn loud and ish' it just got annoying after a while. Go to math 115. My math class has some of the ghetto-est people in the world. fn dumbasses. Talking on phones, so effn loud. go to the bathroom to pee and dumbass girls standing in the way trying to look at themselves caus they think their so hot but they look like complete shit. SHIT I TELL YOU! Finish in the bathroom, go back to math. easy ish.
Done with math, get ready to go to dance. I swear some people in fullerton, how the heckk did they get into college. Just standing around and crap. Get out the eff'n way dude. Dance learning ballet and going over other dance stuff. WHATEVVERRRR! yeahh.
come to 2nd home ughhh. stressed outt seriously. and on top of that theres no one around to talk when you need them. everyone is always busy when you wanna hang.
Sometimes I kinda regret moving to fullerton. Like its chill & all no doubt. But seriously I know Hacienda Heights isnt that far but still. In the back of my mind I always wonder should I have gone to Cal Poly? Maybe I would have been happier. I know a good amount of people who go there, where here I hardly know no one and havent really met close close friends yet. && Im not kissing ass to fit in. But I miss like West Co, Pomona, Azusa and all thats where my life is, I grew up in all those places and here I am now and STILL havent adjusted to it. eff that.
& you would think that me dancing quite often now, would make me happy, caus dance is a stress reliever but yeahhh I love dancing NO DOUBT. SERIOUSLY LOVE IT! but like when your open and willing to get to know others and crap and other crap from outside interferes it kinda sux. But WHATEVERR. writing this blog got me happier and over this crapp.
not gonna be to sad my sidekick is comming soon [:
I can say that my bestfriend has been there through all my ups and downs, and will never leave me. GOD thank you for everythignyou have done for me and ALWAYS never leaving me alone. [:
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