firstt I'll talk about my weekend. It was really cheeel. Fridayy was hella tiring. TBH I fergott what I did, but I know I was hella tired after. ha && Saturday visited the G-ma and helped her caus she wasn't feeling good and yahhh ate hella lots of food. mhm good dayy. Sundayy chilled around my city and went to go pick some things up at the store caus I needed to get lossa stuff. mhm, came back caus I got a text to go to MCIA wkshop from Jackie. Went by here apt at 4 30ish andd haha her comp kept effing up caus it didnt give directions then we were off. went to UCI only to find out that the wkshop was nxt sundayy haha. funny stuff. Thankyou Jackie for the Diamond Ranch to Irvine tour! haha but so we got food instead and talked. yahh, shes my favoritee! I didnt go back to second home caus I was too tired to be drivingg all the way to Fullerton at night, so I crashed in Hacienda Heights :)
Butt serious time, I dunno if its caus I'm getting a lil bit more mature or if its because people are just more annoying/ stupid now-a- days butt people have been hella buggin lately. Usually people start to bugg when Im gonna start my period or something, but had that last week. So I'm guessing people are just buggin. But lately stupid ass drunk girls have me wanting to punch them in the face. It pisses me off when people bragg and talk about how much they drink, like its some competition of who can damage their livers faster. I understand people need to let loose and party; Im all good with that, but fuhh every week/day and then you brag oh yahh "I took 4 shots" haha lets see if you start bragging when your in the hospital waiting on a new liver. buhh whatever. Girls are stupid. Yes I KNOW I'm from the same species but wtfuhhh ever I'm different I have common sense. But whateverr fuhh them if it makes them happy, let them do the stupid ish` that they do, as long as it doesnt affect me.
Buhh Im glad I got the people who really matter with meahh, I luhh them with all my heart and won't let them go for nothing in the world. DumbAsses!♥
PS: This is for all annoying people!

you have a dope perspective on things and i most def respect that. hi lease! =]
hey favorite =) i agree with dung. there need to be more freshmen like you cause you know my feelings about them. lol
yay for adventures!
p.s. i won't be going to dinner this saturday until after 7ish. annd GRV, new era and goon squad are performing =)
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