Wednesday, July 1

Last day of June... First day of July!

Geeze. I missed 11: 11. Pretty sad since I have wished upon 11:11 for a while, and instead of wishing for the usual relationship to come my way, or a mediocre object that could please me for the moment I have been wishing just to start off with many good days for me, my family, and friends.

I haven`t blogged for a couple of days now. There really hasn`t been anything to blog about. WAIT WHAT!? Scratch that! There are MANY things to blog about but nothing really drove me to sit down and write a blog about it. Well, MJ died, but I`m not gonna write about that just yet. Let it simmer, something should be up.

Summer is good. I`m Blessed & happy so it`s all good. Some people are talking and such about how their summer sucks and ish`. Sometimes the whole FML acronym gets annoying after a while when people are seriously using it to describe their life. I like how my friend Kevin puts it, FML….is great! But in all honestly I don`t fuck my life, Fuck YOUR life, because heck mine is good!

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