Thursday, October 29
Friday, October 2
Saturday, September 26
Thursday, September 24
Dear Blogspot,
dear Blogspot,
___________Can I trade you in for a Tumblr? Hope there are no hard feelings :)
- Ja`Lisa ;)
___________Can I trade you in for a Tumblr? Hope there are no hard feelings :)
- Ja`Lisa ;)
Wednesday, September 23
You never get your 1st back...
Sunday, September 20
Celebration ~~~
@ Mikey Reyes
@ Jerico Talili!
Whoot! 19 & 21?!? Have fun today Mikey and line bro :)
Lis ♥
Saturday, September 19
eeee! excited!
___Now that thats over, I can go to bed!
Congratz IP Fall 2009 Team
#29 Jody Cajudo
#17 AP Callanta
#19 Jesse Dayondon
#40 Janine Empeno
#44 Strawberrie Marie Encarnacion
#42 Christine Espinas
#28 Jericho Falache
#31 Adrian Galindo
#20 Alvin Garcia
#35 Jazelle Gordo
#03 TK Gorgonia
#22 Miko Ison
#10 Lesly Juarez
#27 Chett Lin
#02 Claudia Lopez
#36 Krystelle Lumantas
#24 Samantha Magat
#32 Christopher Mahinan
#06 Sarah McClellan
#14 Theresa Nguyen
#30 Abigail Ocampo
#01 Ben Oh
#33 Ronilynn “RJ” Pomar
#16 Nico Saldivar
#26 Jalisa Watson
#38 Alexa Yoshimoto
#39 Gabriel Zamora
#29 Jody Cajudo
#17 AP Callanta
#19 Jesse Dayondon
#40 Janine Empeno
#44 Strawberrie Marie Encarnacion
#42 Christine Espinas
#28 Jericho Falache
#31 Adrian Galindo
#20 Alvin Garcia
#35 Jazelle Gordo
#03 TK Gorgonia
#22 Miko Ison
#10 Lesly Juarez
#27 Chett Lin
#02 Claudia Lopez
#36 Krystelle Lumantas
#24 Samantha Magat
#32 Christopher Mahinan
#06 Sarah McClellan
#14 Theresa Nguyen
#30 Abigail Ocampo
#01 Ben Oh
#33 Ronilynn “RJ” Pomar
#16 Nico Saldivar
#26 Jalisa Watson
#38 Alexa Yoshimoto
#39 Gabriel Zamora
Friday, September 18
What happened?
__________What happened to, Courtesy? Decency? Respect? Manners? Basically, what has happened to the world? What has happened to people, and the values they have grown up with, to make them an all around good person. What happened to people saying thank you when you stand there and hold the door open for them. What happened to people actually using their signal, so you know if they are going left or right. I would like to know when you are going to turn so I can know when to slow down and avoid hitting your car`s rear end. When no one lets a car merge into a lane, what happened to that car saying thank you because you’re the only one who was polite enough to let them merge. Geeze, you don’t even need to say thank you; but a simple hand wave to signal that you acknowledge that I let you in. You know, I didn’t have to let you merge, I was being polite; the least you can do it reciprocate the same to me. Hey I don`t need to be thanked for everything I do, but I`m just saying. I often wonder, do people have hearts anymore; when I see a car hit the back of another car and the car that hit the other car speeds away; to avoid any charges on their part. Do people like that, have a conscious? Things like this make me think; what happened to the world? It just makes me realize how naive I really am to think that the world is respectful just like I am. You know, I just have to hope that the world becomes a better place; something that I can take pride in. But until that day comes I will tend to be naïve about the world until reality proves me wrong.
^^did that make any sence?!?
^^did that make any sence?!?
_______________ughhh. Hobbbies should have NO drama, because where`s the fun in that?
Wednesday, September 16
Tuesday, September 15
Today consists of...
- Office Hours @ 10:30
- Knock out at Vanessa`s til 12:30 ish`
- Class from 1p - 3:45p
- Interview @ 4:15 (Wishhh me luck!)
- Knock out at Vanessa`s or Food run; Depending on the mood
- 5:30 dance class at the rec
- IP`s wkshops at 7p
- Home by 10?
- Study, Read, Write and ish. (Basically stuff I SHOULD have odne over the weekend)
___________________sheeesh! >_<
- Knock out at Vanessa`s til 12:30 ish`
- Class from 1p - 3:45p
- Interview @ 4:15 (Wishhh me luck!)
- Knock out at Vanessa`s or Food run; Depending on the mood
- 5:30 dance class at the rec
- IP`s wkshops at 7p
- Home by 10?
- Study, Read, Write and ish. (Basically stuff I SHOULD have odne over the weekend)
___________________sheeesh! >_<
Monday, September 14
Sunday morning + 2 more days
1009.) I am scared of the dark. (via
____________ Don`t laugh. Whoever you are, Girl/Boy I am right with you. Pshhh I have been living at my house for 19 years and I still get the jitters when all the lights are out. Don`t worry I`m right wit chu.
____________ Don`t laugh. Whoever you are, Girl/Boy I am right with you. Pshhh I have been living at my house for 19 years and I still get the jitters when all the lights are out. Don`t worry I`m right wit chu.
Sunday, September 13
This is called venting...
______________Nothing really. I have nothing to update; but I feel like I have lacked on my blog.
But ughhh, what to talk about.
Oh golly!
IP just had their Fall `09 wkshops last Thursday. Madd people`s came out. Lots of potentials; their so good! Keep up the new work out there :) But yeah Katie & Julian taught and I have to say the pieces were challenging. Katies was challenging, caus I have to dance like a girl and I suckkk at that; and Julian`s was challenging caus its hella fast. But in the end; everything was good and for the most part everyone including me got the pieces.
But yeahh, if you think you got what it takes to be on IP come to wkshops. Tuesday. CSUF. Under the bridge (Behind the bookstore) 7p - 10`ish.
But yeahh.
PS; I really wanna start back taking dance at the REC. and Hopefully Quest this week :)
PPS: I gotta get readyyy. Boiling Crab tonight. All the stories you guys have been telling me; it better live up to em.
But ughhh, what to talk about.
Oh golly!
IP just had their Fall `09 wkshops last Thursday. Madd people`s came out. Lots of potentials; their so good! Keep up the new work out there :) But yeah Katie & Julian taught and I have to say the pieces were challenging. Katies was challenging, caus I have to dance like a girl and I suckkk at that; and Julian`s was challenging caus its hella fast. But in the end; everything was good and for the most part everyone including me got the pieces.
But yeahh, if you think you got what it takes to be on IP come to wkshops. Tuesday. CSUF. Under the bridge (Behind the bookstore) 7p - 10`ish.
But yeahh.
PS; I really wanna start back taking dance at the REC. and Hopefully Quest this week :)
PPS: I gotta get readyyy. Boiling Crab tonight. All the stories you guys have been telling me; it better live up to em.
Saturday, September 12
Hi what was your name again??!!
haha wait say it again....
_____________Thats pretty much what came out of my mouth this whole week.
I thought my friend total at Fullerton had plateaued (leveled out) but I was wrong. Mark 1 against me. From meeting new peep`s at APO events to the cute newbies at IP auditions, to meeting randoms in the classes before me.
Last week had to be mu busiest week, since school started; from long IP practices for 1st gen, to school ish and other crap. I`m really happy about the way sophmore year is turning out; I thought commuting would be a frigg`n hastle; but its whateverrr.
I can`t credit myself for the happiness that has been brought upon me; I have to say without God none of this will be possible. On the real, without him I wouldn`t even be here.
But yeah. I`m good! History test on Thursday; so gotta study!
_____________Thats pretty much what came out of my mouth this whole week.
I thought my friend total at Fullerton had plateaued (leveled out) but I was wrong. Mark 1 against me. From meeting new peep`s at APO events to the cute newbies at IP auditions, to meeting randoms in the classes before me.
Last week had to be mu busiest week, since school started; from long IP practices for 1st gen, to school ish and other crap. I`m really happy about the way sophmore year is turning out; I thought commuting would be a frigg`n hastle; but its whateverrr.
I can`t credit myself for the happiness that has been brought upon me; I have to say without God none of this will be possible. On the real, without him I wouldn`t even be here.
But yeah. I`m good! History test on Thursday; so gotta study!
Friday, September 11
Sooo sick its disgustingg
my wishes are
coming true "
__________Who needs a boyfrannd, when your life is as good as mine?!?
I met the cutttest Asian siblings todayy. They were from Korea visiting Cal State Fullerton; just to tour it; I guess. They were going around spreading the word of the bible. I got the pleasure to meet Samuel. As his sister was talking about the bible, we were just talking about things. Life, what Korea is like, school; you know just stuff. He had the COOLEST purple perscription glasses; I wanted them sooo badd! haha. But furr`real he was saying he`s 24 year old senior, and was majoring in criminal justice. He was sweet; it was soo cute his english wasn`t too good she he had to keep telling me stuff using his laptop dictionary. Karina & I had to go to the RUSH meeting; so we bid our goodbye`s and left. Talking to him made me happy; I want to experience life outside America. I dunno; talking to him upped my mood ♥
Thursday, September 10
Monday, September 7
Sunday, September 6
__________Thank you person for not putting security on your internet so I can use it for freee!
ghaha JERK JERK JERK! AHHH 1ST gen on Wednesdayyy. COME :)
Saturday, September 5
Friday, September 4
What everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness.
_______________________Baruch Spinoza
SOOO it`s only been the 2nd week of school and I am having a blast!
-New friends are flourishing everywhere, ahh!
-Schools not really challenging; alot of reading butt I can do it!
-I am loving IP more and more and more everydayy.
-Excited for 1st Gen meeting! COMMMMMME :)
-Alpha Phi Omega meetings coming up ♥
-IP auditions coming up.♥
-And I guess I`m getting an Ate/Kuya. lol
-GOD is blessing me so muchhh!
If my year is starting off this good, just imagine how the end of the year is going to be. I have a list of things that I want to accomplish before the year is over & I have some of the best people who are going to help me :)
Heres a few I have gathered so far
-Learn to do a legit freeze.
-Do a windmill.
-Audition for another dance team.
-Go back to a mic and dim lights.
-Actually pledge for APO.
-Take a weekly class at Quest Learning Center.
-Get more involved in the dance community!
YEEEEEEE! God bless & I hope that your are having as much fun as me :)
_______________________Baruch Spinoza
SOOO it`s only been the 2nd week of school and I am having a blast!
-New friends are flourishing everywhere, ahh!
-Schools not really challenging; alot of reading butt I can do it!
-I am loving IP more and more and more everydayy.
-Excited for 1st Gen meeting! COMMMMMME :)
-Alpha Phi Omega meetings coming up ♥
-IP auditions coming up.♥
-And I guess I`m getting an Ate/Kuya. lol
-GOD is blessing me so muchhh!
If my year is starting off this good, just imagine how the end of the year is going to be. I have a list of things that I want to accomplish before the year is over & I have some of the best people who are going to help me :)
Heres a few I have gathered so far
-Learn to do a legit freeze.
-Do a windmill.
-Audition for another dance team.
-Go back to a mic and dim lights.
-Actually pledge for APO.
-Take a weekly class at Quest Learning Center.
-Get more involved in the dance community!
YEEEEEEE! God bless & I hope that your are having as much fun as me :)
Thursday, September 3
"Do you remember the time........"
After going to my middle school reunion and seeing where everyone is at in their lives; it made me realize that I really haven`t done much with my life. Everyone graduated highschool; everyone`s in college now. I used to think dancing was a great achievement; but EVERYONE is doing it now that its not even anything to brag about anymore. But there was nothing EPIC that set me apart from what everyone has done.
I am very sensitive about my age; I was just getting used to being 18; then BAM I turn 19. TBH its hard for me to adjust, for some reason I feel like 19 is so old; when in reality I`m barely starting adulthood. 19 isn`t the end, its only the beginning. Starting today; my goal is to make all my days as EPIC as possible.
I dunno why but I browsed thru Lexi's blog, and just got inspired by her blog; which prompted me to write this. I dunno why her blog inspired me; but it did and here is the blog to prove it. She`s done so much; I can`t wait til my dance life takes off as hers has.
Here`s the piece; be inspired.
Wednesday, September 2
Tuesday, September 1
2gether FOREVERRR!
ok so seriously; I admit I LOVED THIS SONG back then..of course. haha I dunno if they were ever really a boy band, or whatt. But this joint was stuck in my head non stop back then. Geeeze! and the song is soo stupid; but I loved it oh so much. Now, I `d like to think that my music choices have grown exceptionally with higher standards.
Monday, August 31
Thinking Back
you were a kid, and
going through a car
wash was the most
enjoyable thing in
the world
____________I miss times like that. Fun has lost its innocence.
*This week consists of school, wkshops, food runs, hanging out, and heaven`s week (=
Sunday, August 30
wow wow weee :)
I`m getting
wayyy better! I
feel it; caus I
hurt. I hear it; people
tell me ALL
the time now. I sence
it; I have wayy better
cordination. I am
ready to be on
my own, and stand on
the two feet you have
helped me form. Thank you
for helping me get
to where I am today.
I am the upmost blessed
that I had a chance to
meet great people
like yourselves. This past month
you have really showed me
what it means to
have a 2nd family. I
can honestly say with 5 months of
official dancing under
my belt, I feel
and am a dancer.
Friday, August 28
can you say
_______________________ BEST 1ST WEEK OF SCHOOL
old faces
new faces
wandering, scared shitless freshman
IP ♥
Titan Tush Force
Visiting friends
history 110A
bio 101
women studies 205
critical thinking 290
soccer team loud in class haha
jermery [:
ahhh... this year is gonna be greatttt!
_______________________ BEST 1ST WEEK OF SCHOOL
old faces
new faces
wandering, scared shitless freshman
IP ♥
Titan Tush Force
Visiting friends
history 110A
bio 101
women studies 205
critical thinking 290
soccer team loud in class haha
jermery [:
ahhh... this year is gonna be greatttt!
Sunday, August 23
Love Bomb
guess I have to start speaking/writing
proper english now. SMH.
awhh man
It was sad to know that one of the students at Walnut High School died in a car accident over the weekend. Jessica Hwang. I looked her up in the Walnut yearbook, and she looked like a happy-go-lucky girl. Last year a Sophmore, and this year going into Junior year only a few days before the first day of school starts. And just to find out, she dies the day before her 17th birthday. For many students the first day of school is a way to showoff what the 3 months of summer have done to you. Weather you changed up your style, appearance, or just to show off how charcoal black you have gotten from laying in the sun too much. But for some of the students who know Jessica Hwang, the first day of school will be a time of mourning for a fallen friend. I read the online article and it said she was a sweet girl who gave back to the community, by doing numerour hours of community service. There`s no good way to say this, and I don`t know if its really bad for me to be thinking this but on the real it angers me when I see people so young die, they have their whole futures ahead. There are people who are raping and killing people, and though those peopel are in jail they have the blessing of living another day.
But you`re probaly wondering why this story touched me so much. I`m embarassed to say this; I`m contemplating. Don`t worry I didn`t kill anyone...
.... I can`t get the frijoles to say it.
family. Prayers and blessings
are heading her way. Jessica I
can hope and pray you
are in a better place
Link to view story>>> Teen killed in Car Crash Remembered
_________ , . ! ♥
Saturday, August 22
Thursday, August 20
don't walk,
the path of the righteous
Despite this...I remain blessed,
steppin' on rain with
each step
Eyes heavy from the
lack of the cousin
of death
When I'm layin' to
rest, I'm only
savin' my breath
The Northwest fills
the lungs y'all,
you know the rest...
______________________________________Blue Scholars- Joe Metro . , ! ♥
I`m always inspired to write a blog
___________after I come home from practice.
woke up
online job hunting
wells fargo
60 to the 57
57 to the 60
I love my simple life. School
starts in less than a week. eeep
, . ! ♥
___________after I come home from practice.
woke up
online job hunting
wells fargo
60 to the 57
57 to the 60
starts in less than a week. eeep
, . ! ♥
hard times and all, its hard
to find the good in people when
they complain. I also have to hang my
head in guilt because I do my share of complaining,
just like others. But unlike some I have learned to adjust
to what the economy, and outside life has done
to everyone around me. Now, that situations have
changed I may not get everything I want, but
I do have everything I need to survive in the world.
Looking at life right now, there are many things
I could complain about if I choose to (not having a job,
tuition going up, not getting the apartment.) But I look at
my situation and I have to be thankful
because some aren`t as blessed as I am. I`m happy
where I am in life. My life may not be as exciting
as an action movie; and it doesn`t have to be, because
I have my health and to me thats pretty exciting, being healthy for
another day; you can`t find that in action movies because
usually everyone dies in the end.
Basically, the point of this is that; if you
have a roof over your head, food in
your belly, a place to sleep at night, and a
family by your side; then STOP
your bitching because there are some
people who have less than what you have.
Be thankful for everything God has blessed you with.
Because if he sees your arent grateful
of the blessings he has given you, he can take'
them away from you in a second.
____. , !
Wednesday, August 19
Sunday, August 16
I choose yoooou sushi snorlax ♥
Saturday, August 15
N.E.R.D- Yeah You
I am happy with how I look,
what I wear, Who I socialize with, What
decisions I make, even if their wrong according to
others. I`m happy that I can choose who to talk to,
who not to talk to, who to hate on, and who
to give dap to. I can be socialy akward, and be
oblivious to things; but I can hang with that.
I`m really joyful that I`m discovering NERD&Ryan Leslie more in
depth, caus their dope. I`m constantly reminding myself
I need to step up my game, to get to
Johny Cupcakes status: but as of now, I`m
not progressing. I`m happy I have the best sister`s blood and
through Christ. I only hope that the urban, hip hop dancing japanese
guy cutie with long thick black hair is out there for me :).I
imagine myself more successful
than I can possibly imagine. I realize how
passionate about dance I am; and I`m happy I`m
getting better. I`m hungry; Ima go after what
I want. I like how I use Urbandictionary, to incorperate words in my
day-to-day conversations. Most importanently I`m excited
about the years to come. I`m excited about the things I am to
do with life; who will I be, who will I hang out with;
who will be my better half. As of now I cannot see the future, but right now
I`m pretty happy where I am at. Thank you for reading.
Tuesday, August 11
And the Teen Choice Award For Biggest Piece of Crap goes to.....
___________________Dane Cook
Dane exclaimed, "Girly, you've gotta keep your clothes on!"
Vanessa`s face: Priceless.
Shame shame, Dane Cook
Dane exclaimed, "Girly, you've gotta keep your clothes on!"
Vanessa`s face: Priceless.
Shame shame, Dane Cook
Listening to: You know what by N.E.R.D
But I find myself asking, Why do they inspire me? Is it because they are admired by basically the whole dance community? But I have come to the conclusion that, these people inspire me because down the line I want to be where they are. I want to have the success that they have.
I guess the real point of writing this blog is that, if I really look, I do have other inspirations and their right under my nose; and they may not be idolized, but they do give me encouragement and strength to stay hungry for anything I want to achieve.
Today I did my regular routine and went to stylz for class, but today was different because I never took the GRV class; but I knew Virgil was teaching and I was excited caus I was gonna see Jackie. Jackie I look up to her so much, & I`m so happy that I met her through dance. She just goes out and gets her ish` done. I`m just so happy for everything she has accomplished not just through dance, but with everything in her life as well. My “unofficial” Ate, I`m claiming you as my official. (= I just want her to know she`s my inspiration, and I want to thank her for all the encouragement she has given me.

Saturday, August 8
Cherish the friends you have around you
Because they are the ones in the end who will surprise you the most
__I went to a surprise birthday today in Corona.
I have to say it was rather cute. Friends took her out
in the morning to distract her away from her house so everyone
could set up for the surprise
She had no idea, she walked right into the house. And all
she could do was cry.
Point of this blog: She wasn`t expecting anythign for her birthday
just to hang out with her clostest friends and celebrate another year.
The fact that her friends remembered and did a lil somethign touched me
After a certain age some people forget. Some don`t even give you a happy birthday.
But the one`s that do remember, they don`t do things for you
because they have to, but because they are good friends
and want to see you happy, and show you how much you mean to them
Any hoo, as I get older I hope to have those committed friends
who are there. I don`t need friends who do things for me
just friends who are there whatever the case. I`m happy to be
growing and seeing who my real friends are, and seeing
who is going to be with me til the end.
Expect nothing, live frugally on surprise.
___________Alice Walker
Friday, August 7
Imma be Imma Imma be.
________________this week has ben uuuber greatt. It was so great, its DISGUSTING! ha But really, it was. I`m smiling just writing about it :)
-hanging our with friend.girls
-Shopping on Melrose with loRo and seeing Hayden Panitiere (sp?)
-Dance everyy frigg`n day. Styles to IP (=
omggg. Listen to Imma Be by The Black Eyed peas! New fav song, mos def!
geeeze IP, everyone has gotten soo much better, crazzyness. Catching onto choreo so much faster and ish` I LOVVE YOU GUYS! haha I love pasa people! Mark&Sammie haha you guys crack me up to muchhh! can`t wait to see everyone next week

^^thankkk youu NJ&JEROME for teaching IP some dope pieces.
________________this week has ben uuuber greatt. It was so great, its DISGUSTING! ha But really, it was. I`m smiling just writing about it :)
-hanging our with friend.girls
-Shopping on Melrose with loRo and seeing Hayden Panitiere (sp?)
-Dance everyy frigg`n day. Styles to IP (=
omggg. Listen to Imma Be by The Black Eyed peas! New fav song, mos def!
geeeze IP, everyone has gotten soo much better, crazzyness. Catching onto choreo so much faster and ish` I LOVVE YOU GUYS! haha I love pasa people! Mark&Sammie haha you guys crack me up to muchhh! can`t wait to see everyone next week
^^thankkk youu NJ&JEROME for teaching IP some dope pieces.
Tuesday, August 4
oh gawwwwwd!
My back hurts like heck, my right thigh is burninnng up & I`m binge eating. ghahaha
__________________________ but I frigggg`n love dance. // I`m happy I got to see my IP hunnies todayy, caus I missed them ;)
__________________________ but I frigggg`n love dance. // I`m happy I got to see my IP hunnies todayy, caus I missed them ;)
Saturday, August 1
Como te llamas?!?!
Well...the llamas are at the zoo....
_______BUTTTTT my name is ja`lisa
_______________________________I just turned 19 on the 25th. The highlight of my birthday, was actually the day after my birthday. 1. Help promote and meet GREATT dancers 2. Surprise from a friend that I always had doubts about, and never thought he cared about me that much. It all worked out; now I know. I feel old. though I`m not. I look like I`m 7. I wouldn`t say I`m excited for school but I`m not, not excited. I`m n`between excited and restless. ehh?!? I`m just happy I got into Bio. cheah` But nevertheless, I`m aiight tho. I turned down a car. A 2009 to be exact. Crazy much?!?! yeahhh, but I`m trying to be all independent and ish`. I wanna at least pay for somethinggg, ya`digg? yall proli just like ja`lisa shaddup, you stupid. but eff`you. I did what I wanted to do. I got denied from Forever 21. whATeverr. I cared then I was like eff`it. They talk about how they want frigg`n diversity and ish` yet all they have is white&mexican peeps. YALLZ NEED SOME FRIGG`N COLOR. but whatever, I shouldn`t pick out the race card. whompp!
Umm, I have no income. WORD! Dun dun dun, I have been offered a new car offer, 2010 forte maybe?! I dunno, I thought I had blew it big time. not! But the deal remains. I get a new car, I stay home for the 1st semester. 2nd semester if I have a job & whatever money my mama gets from the lawsuit I can move into an apt. I`m pretty happy caus theres no strings attached or nathhingg, but ughhh being at home, bleahh! ahh wells, I have no classes on Fridays, so I can stay out as long as I want on Thursdays. yeahh boyy! I just realized I`m telling it all, but I dun care. I watch King on the Hill nightly and Family Guy religiously. I`m currently striving to stay on a diet for Onw wil be over in a little over an hour and 30 min. I cant wait to go back to regular practice scheduele and see some of the team that I missed seeing. I miss having a dance schduele, and am SOO excited that I will get to do it practically everyday, since I`m gonna incorperate Stylz (hopefully). I hate that half of IP is gone to somewhere else. A couple of people were talking from photoshoot & they feel the same way I do. EFF THEM! Hey look at me I didn`t make it into kaba modern so I`ll make my own team and make it seem like I`m the istnot` EFF THOSE LOSERS ANYWAYS! IP will ALWAYS be my roots & I will never forget them and feel like I`m sooo good, when no one even knows my name or nothing. I think I look my best, I now I look better than what I did back in highschool. TBH I don`t like wearing pants. But since I have to; I WISH that I could just wear sweat shorts and v necks allday everydayy! I wish I had more friends here close to home, who are DOWN to do whatever, just like my fullerton friends. But I don`t, thats reality. I`m most positive for the semester I`m gonna live outta my car and my good friends apartments.
I love fullerton people ♥ (I`m surprided your still reading.) I was pretty sad I didn`t make bmod, but Im`a train the hardest & I`m grateful for LOrO for incorprating me into his Bmod fam as much as he can. WHAT ELSE WHAT ELSE?!!? TBH with some of my friendships I feel that I am the better friend, I feel that I`d be down to do whatever to help a friend and whatnot. I`d seriously drive to Las Vegas if one of my friends needed to pick them up. But I feel if I were in las vegas and called on certain friends, they wouldn`t do it. oh wellz thats life. I`m pretty happy that me and hyla are talking again. slowly but surely going along. And lastly I don`t wanna say that that I need a boyy or nothing but one would be nice ;) cute filipino dancer please&thankyou!
_______BUTTTTT my name is ja`lisa
_______________________________I just turned 19 on the 25th. The highlight of my birthday, was actually the day after my birthday. 1. Help promote and meet GREATT dancers 2. Surprise from a friend that I always had doubts about, and never thought he cared about me that much. It all worked out; now I know. I feel old. though I`m not. I look like I`m 7. I wouldn`t say I`m excited for school but I`m not, not excited. I`m n`between excited and restless. ehh?!? I`m just happy I got into Bio. cheah` But nevertheless, I`m aiight tho. I turned down a car. A 2009 to be exact. Crazy much?!?! yeahhh, but I`m trying to be all independent and ish`. I wanna at least pay for somethinggg, ya`digg? yall proli just like ja`lisa shaddup, you stupid. but eff`you. I did what I wanted to do. I got denied from Forever 21. whATeverr. I cared then I was like eff`it. They talk about how they want frigg`n diversity and ish` yet all they have is white&mexican peeps. YALLZ NEED SOME FRIGG`N COLOR. but whatever, I shouldn`t pick out the race card. whompp!
Umm, I have no income. WORD! Dun dun dun, I have been offered a new car offer, 2010 forte maybe?! I dunno, I thought I had blew it big time. not! But the deal remains. I get a new car, I stay home for the 1st semester. 2nd semester if I have a job & whatever money my mama gets from the lawsuit I can move into an apt. I`m pretty happy caus theres no strings attached or nathhingg, but ughhh being at home, bleahh! ahh wells, I have no classes on Fridays, so I can stay out as long as I want on Thursdays. yeahh boyy! I just realized I`m telling it all, but I dun care. I watch King on the Hill nightly and Family Guy religiously. I`m currently striving to stay on a diet for Onw wil be over in a little over an hour and 30 min. I cant wait to go back to regular practice scheduele and see some of the team that I missed seeing. I miss having a dance schduele, and am SOO excited that I will get to do it practically everyday, since I`m gonna incorperate Stylz (hopefully). I hate that half of IP is gone to somewhere else. A couple of people were talking from photoshoot & they feel the same way I do. EFF THEM! Hey look at me I didn`t make it into kaba modern so I`ll make my own team and make it seem like I`m the istnot` EFF THOSE LOSERS ANYWAYS! IP will ALWAYS be my roots & I will never forget them and feel like I`m sooo good, when no one even knows my name or nothing. I think I look my best, I now I look better than what I did back in highschool. TBH I don`t like wearing pants. But since I have to; I WISH that I could just wear sweat shorts and v necks allday everydayy! I wish I had more friends here close to home, who are DOWN to do whatever, just like my fullerton friends. But I don`t, thats reality. I`m most positive for the semester I`m gonna live outta my car and my good friends apartments.
I love fullerton people ♥ (I`m surprided your still reading.) I was pretty sad I didn`t make bmod, but Im`a train the hardest & I`m grateful for LOrO for incorprating me into his Bmod fam as much as he can. WHAT ELSE WHAT ELSE?!!? TBH with some of my friendships I feel that I am the better friend, I feel that I`d be down to do whatever to help a friend and whatnot. I`d seriously drive to Las Vegas if one of my friends needed to pick them up. But I feel if I were in las vegas and called on certain friends, they wouldn`t do it. oh wellz thats life. I`m pretty happy that me and hyla are talking again. slowly but surely going along. And lastly I don`t wanna say that that I need a boyy or nothing but one would be nice ;) cute filipino dancer please&thankyou!
Wednesday, July 29
Birthdayy surprise [:
I ♥ MY LOrO!

_______________LOrO came to wkshops to deliver me a birthdayy gift! haha yummy to go pazookie. I`m at wkshops waiting for Gigis piece and I see him peaking through the door thinking he`s waiting for wkshops and ish. Then he calls me over and I go outside and see a cutsey pazookie with a candle in it. haha I was hellz bells full so thank goodness for some of bmod were there to help me eat it. haha. But he stayed for a while, then left to go take Zoe to church. Ahhh LOrO I lahh you thnkss youu for the birthdayy love.
***Long Beach & Birthday blog will be up soon. Too lazzyyyy to post now. geeze ;)
_______________LOrO came to wkshops to deliver me a birthdayy gift! haha yummy to go pazookie. I`m at wkshops waiting for Gigis piece and I see him peaking through the door thinking he`s waiting for wkshops and ish. Then he calls me over and I go outside and see a cutsey pazookie with a candle in it. haha I was hellz bells full so thank goodness for some of bmod were there to help me eat it. haha. But he stayed for a while, then left to go take Zoe to church. Ahhh LOrO I lahh you thnkss youu for the birthdayy love.
***Long Beach & Birthday blog will be up soon. Too lazzyyyy to post now. geeze ;)
Saturday, July 25
Todays the dayy
I`m finalllly 9-tweeeen
____hahah its soo funny how I think I`m soo old at this age. Today consists of going to Long Beach to hang with Jackie and take pikkkas! Lets hang out soon strangers. (=
______________________________________________________SO HOLLAH!
____hahah its soo funny how I think I`m soo old at this age. Today consists of going to Long Beach to hang with Jackie and take pikkkas! Lets hang out soon strangers. (=
______________________________________________________SO HOLLAH!
Thursday, July 23
cheeeze me!
I have to say though I felt pretty bittersweet earlier today, things have most`def turned around for the BEST!
The next 4 dayss are most def` gonnna be great, at least in my opionion, heres he breakdown.
____Gigi`s reel release partyyyyy. I`m VIP whoooot whooot! Free all night ;) waddup Essence, Kaba Legacy, and Cheryl Koo?!?!? Soo excitedddd!
____JOB INTERVIEW! No babyy its not a typo. I do in fact have a job interview. Forever 21 ;) Soo blessed, because I really wanted to get a call from them, and I did. West Covina @ 2pm [=
____Not only is it my 19th birthdayyy **hint hint** But their doing a photoshoot in Long Beach and I got invited. Yayyy I`m really excited hopefully Jackie can go and we carpool with Dunggg = fun car ride!
____ESSENCE wkshopps. (which I`m still promoting for if anyone wants to go:Presale is 20 dollars, so hollllah!) But yeahh i get to meet all the Essence ladies who I haven`t met yet and help support them for a good cause. Waddup up Choreo Cookies & Fysh n` Chicks?!?!
^^but yeahhhh These next 4 dayys should be uuuber good; Maddd networking is going to be going on, dancing the night away, pictures galore and I`ll just check letter D for all the above.
Butttt before thig natural high, I had some saddness in me. My day to register was todayy at 2:30. I was so excited I planned my schedule yesterday and EVERYTHING on my list was still open. So I wake up ready to register. I log in and ish` and 3 of the 5 classes I was taking were all full and were wait list status. Well I thought there goes my Monday - Thursday schduele. So though I was bummed I got enrolled in 3 classes and wait list 2 classes. I had to talk to someone, so I called brandon to vent. He was madd helpful, to my surprise. Well the blessing in this is even though I was put on the wait list I`m pretty high on it. For one class I`m number 3 and for the other one I`m number 7. Not to bad huh?!?!
And it just keeps getting better everydayy, IP is coming back in August, and for a bdayy present I`ma do more training at Stylz. So I`m just the upmost grateful and everything and I just have to praise God for everything he has done for me.
Prayers go up and blessings come down.
_________Yiddish Proverb
&&you know whats weird, earlier this morning I wrote a post about how I really want a job, and then this afternoon I get a call (=
The next 4 dayss are most def` gonnna be great, at least in my opionion, heres he breakdown.
____Gigi`s reel release partyyyyy. I`m VIP whoooot whooot! Free all night ;) waddup Essence, Kaba Legacy, and Cheryl Koo?!?!? Soo excitedddd!
____JOB INTERVIEW! No babyy its not a typo. I do in fact have a job interview. Forever 21 ;) Soo blessed, because I really wanted to get a call from them, and I did. West Covina @ 2pm [=
____Not only is it my 19th birthdayyy **hint hint** But their doing a photoshoot in Long Beach and I got invited. Yayyy I`m really excited hopefully Jackie can go and we carpool with Dunggg = fun car ride!
____ESSENCE wkshopps. (which I`m still promoting for if anyone wants to go:Presale is 20 dollars, so hollllah!) But yeahh i get to meet all the Essence ladies who I haven`t met yet and help support them for a good cause. Waddup up Choreo Cookies & Fysh n` Chicks?!?!
^^but yeahhhh These next 4 dayys should be uuuber good; Maddd networking is going to be going on, dancing the night away, pictures galore and I`ll just check letter D for all the above.
Butttt before thig natural high, I had some saddness in me. My day to register was todayy at 2:30. I was so excited I planned my schedule yesterday and EVERYTHING on my list was still open. So I wake up ready to register. I log in and ish` and 3 of the 5 classes I was taking were all full and were wait list status. Well I thought there goes my Monday - Thursday schduele. So though I was bummed I got enrolled in 3 classes and wait list 2 classes. I had to talk to someone, so I called brandon to vent. He was madd helpful, to my surprise. Well the blessing in this is even though I was put on the wait list I`m pretty high on it. For one class I`m number 3 and for the other one I`m number 7. Not to bad huh?!?!
And it just keeps getting better everydayy, IP is coming back in August, and for a bdayy present I`ma do more training at Stylz. So I`m just the upmost grateful and everything and I just have to praise God for everything he has done for me.
Prayers go up and blessings come down.
_________Yiddish Proverb
&&you know whats weird, earlier this morning I wrote a post about how I really want a job, and then this afternoon I get a call (=
Wednesday, July 22
Thats what friends are for [=
This blog is dedicated to the most wonderful friends that anyone can have. So in this blog I am going to list a couple of reasons why I love my friends, mainly the specific friend-girls I hang out with daily ;)
Reason 1:
____I love my friends because I can act a complete fool in front of them and they still love me.
^^Don`t worry, I`m not going pro.
Reason 2:
____They are the only people I know that would eat chinese food and a pizooke, on the same day back2back.

Reason 3:
____They let me sleep on their coutch before I head home ;)

Reason 4:
____They vibe off my randomness, and it turnes into a huggge topic.

Reason 5:
____But must importantly, my friends are the most mature individuals you will ever meet;) lol
Reason 1:
____I love my friends because I can act a complete fool in front of them and they still love me.
^^Don`t worry, I`m not going pro.
Reason 2:
____They are the only people I know that would eat chinese food and a pizooke, on the same day back2back.
Reason 3:
____They let me sleep on their coutch before I head home ;)
Reason 4:
____They vibe off my randomness, and it turnes into a huggge topic.

Reason 5:
____But must importantly, my friends are the most mature individuals you will ever meet;) lol
Tuesday, July 21
Taco Tuesdayy randomness!
"So much of my life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness."
_____Sidney Poitier //Ja'Lisa Watson ;) (I added the "my" in the quote)
\\\\\\ I`m random. I know, yes. Sometimes I have NOTHING to do, and I`m bored at home, with a car thats full of gas and a big chunky 20 in my pocket. OHH WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ON SUCH A TUESDAY AS THIS?!?! Then It pops into my head, I`m hungry and its Tuesday. When you put those two key words together?!?! You get Taco Tuesday. ( Well if you want to take things literally, when you put those two key words together you get, I`m hungry Tuesday..but you catch my drift;)
So to put a spin on Taco Tuesday I wanted to have a taste off, which taco is better Del Taco or ack in the Box. I had tried Jack in the Box taco`s a while ago and they were madd good, and I always LOVED Del Taco`s taco`s. So knowing me I had to have a taste test.....
vvvv I put on the most mature outfit so that I could do my taste test. ahah I look like a lil 12 year old.

vvvv I have never opened a Jack n` da Box taco before to see whats inside... so I finally opened it and this is what I saw, looks like smooshed poop ]:

vvv Got distracted my my cuteness doggie love ♥

vvv GAME OVER Del Taco won hands down!

____This blog really served no purpose. But Thankkyou for reading til the very end ;)
_____Sidney Poitier //Ja'Lisa Watson ;) (I added the "my" in the quote)
\\\\\\ I`m random. I know, yes. Sometimes I have NOTHING to do, and I`m bored at home, with a car thats full of gas and a big chunky 20 in my pocket. OHH WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ON SUCH A TUESDAY AS THIS?!?! Then It pops into my head, I`m hungry and its Tuesday. When you put those two key words together?!?! You get Taco Tuesday. ( Well if you want to take things literally, when you put those two key words together you get, I`m hungry Tuesday..but you catch my drift;)
So to put a spin on Taco Tuesday I wanted to have a taste off, which taco is better Del Taco or ack in the Box. I had tried Jack in the Box taco`s a while ago and they were madd good, and I always LOVED Del Taco`s taco`s. So knowing me I had to have a taste test.....
____This blog really served no purpose. But Thankkyou for reading til the very end ;)
Monday, July 20
My friends>>> Your`s !?!?!
whyy you ask!?
_______duhhh caus they just are ;)
I hate to brag, but I pretty much LOVE the people that are in my life. With dance buddies, highschool&college buddies, OC //IE I love you allll! You guys help make me, me. Each of you have helped sculpt and shape me to what I am todayy and I want to say thankyouu!
Tennnis&bowling with my AMAZING friend-boyys
who:ME!, Jayy balli`n, My bruddah Josh, Ryann & Kevin.
where: Tennis, Jayys, and bowlingg
I hadn`t played tennis in a WHILE, so when Josh texted me asking if I wanted to play I just had to say yes, since I used to play it like everydayyyy back in highschool. So I play for a while, not seriously though; I suck so much now. haha It`s funny how lame at tennis I have become. Bleahh I got a battle scar from it, a huggge blister on my thumb 0: it hurt like a mofuhhhh. oh well.

We headed back to Jay`s house for a bit to watch Memento....ahh GREAT EPICC movie a must see for everyone. ahhh crazyy! Messes with your head a lil` bit.
Got ready to leave to go bowling for dollah$ hollah thursdayys. Dollar everything, shoes, food and games ;) Frigg`n madd peeps were all out for bowling. I didn`t know lots of asians liked to bowl. yummy! haha But yeah, we put our name on th elist then headed to DERlicious Weinersnitzel (whaddever however you spell that crap)got ice cream and sweet tea that was aiight. Head back over the the alley got fries caus I was still hungry & I love food. got our shoes and started to bowl.

the boys ♥
jokkkkkkke. LAMMMME!

a foot... also known as MY foot!

Long story short, had madd fun and loved the people who I was with. ;)

awhhh such cutte picture. Alone time for the boys :)

Dino egg in the fruit basket?!?! o_0
Enjoy the mediocre picture quality ;D
** computer stopped being lame ;)
_______duhhh caus they just are ;)
I hate to brag, but I pretty much LOVE the people that are in my life. With dance buddies, highschool&college buddies, OC //IE I love you allll! You guys help make me, me. Each of you have helped sculpt and shape me to what I am todayy and I want to say thankyouu!
Tennnis&bowling with my AMAZING friend-boyys
who:ME!, Jayy balli`n, My bruddah Josh, Ryann & Kevin.
where: Tennis, Jayys, and bowlingg
I hadn`t played tennis in a WHILE, so when Josh texted me asking if I wanted to play I just had to say yes, since I used to play it like everydayyyy back in highschool. So I play for a while, not seriously though; I suck so much now. haha It`s funny how lame at tennis I have become. Bleahh I got a battle scar from it, a huggge blister on my thumb 0: it hurt like a mofuhhhh. oh well.
We headed back to Jay`s house for a bit to watch Memento....ahh GREAT EPICC movie a must see for everyone. ahhh crazyy! Messes with your head a lil` bit.
Got ready to leave to go bowling for dollah$ hollah thursdayys. Dollar everything, shoes, food and games ;) Frigg`n madd peeps were all out for bowling. I didn`t know lots of asians liked to bowl. yummy! haha But yeah, we put our name on th elist then headed to DERlicious Weinersnitzel (whaddever however you spell that crap)got ice cream and sweet tea that was aiight. Head back over the the alley got fries caus I was still hungry & I love food. got our shoes and started to bowl.
the boys ♥
jokkkkkkke. LAMMMME!
a foot... also known as MY foot!
Long story short, had madd fun and loved the people who I was with. ;)
awhhh such cutte picture. Alone time for the boys :)
Dino egg in the fruit basket?!?! o_0
Enjoy the mediocre picture quality ;D
** computer stopped being lame ;)
Sunday, July 19
Yay for a new post..........FINALLLY!?!?!?
So there has been soo much I haven`t blogged about lately. Everything has been moving very smoothly for me. I need to blog more... SERIOUSLY; but mos`def I have been reading yall`s blogs, so at least keep yours coming :)
But yeahh.. whats has been up with me. Just living summer day to day. Sometimes I have things to do, sometimes I don`t. It all depends if I have plans or if I wanna be spontaneous for the day. For the most part summer has been mad bomb... Can`t complain.
Yahh.. but anywayys....
I have been taking my camera with meeverywhere; taking pictures of anything and everything I find exciting or just a little different.
I went to this restaurant in Downey the other day, my fam and my moms friend. SOOOO good. For 57$ I have to sayy the food was all worth it. Look at the pikkas and wish you were there.

waddup hole in the wall shop.


wadddup sugggar?!?

is said "An unpleasant situation will be cleared up to your satisfaction"

But yeahh.. whats has been up with me. Just living summer day to day. Sometimes I have things to do, sometimes I don`t. It all depends if I have plans or if I wanna be spontaneous for the day. For the most part summer has been mad bomb... Can`t complain.
Yahh.. but anywayys....
I have been taking my camera with meeverywhere; taking pictures of anything and everything I find exciting or just a little different.
I went to this restaurant in Downey the other day, my fam and my moms friend. SOOOO good. For 57$ I have to sayy the food was all worth it. Look at the pikkas and wish you were there.
waddup hole in the wall shop.
wadddup sugggar?!?
is said "An unpleasant situation will be cleared up to your satisfaction"
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